When it comes to sharing your content onto the social networks, it is no surprise that the accompanying imagery has a big impact in terms of engagement. Buffer suggest that posts containing images generate 39% higher engagement than those without.

Where then can you go to find relevant images that add value to your content? 

Below I have listed a few helpful tools that are readily available to use with minimal design experience:

  • Canva - free web-based tool (with additional premium features) easy to use for someone without design skills creating brilliant on-brand images that you can share onto social.
  • Pablo - an extension of Buffer, invigorates quotes and short snippets of text from your content into thought provoking pictures. 
  • Over - great app for creating custom social media graphics on your tablet/smartphone (fee to download app in appstore). 
  • PiktoChart - perfect to creating infographics to align your insights (free with premium options). 
  • Snappa - create compelling icons/graphics that are easily resizable for sharing on each social network (free with premium features).

If however, you would prefer to use images already created and purposed for reuse, I would recommend: 

  • Flickr - provides access to online galleries which you can embed into your content.
  • Google Images - see the video below providing a set-by-set walk through on how to search for content that has been "labelled for reuse" - providing access to an enormous repository of images that you can share with your content.

The only remark I have is that you keep selected images relevant to each of your posts as it will maximise the quality of engagement.